Thursday, November 09, 2006

Thanks for....uhhmmm (HNT)

Today was tough. I had a very long night, little sleep, and I still don't feel all that great. I have no motivation to do HNT either today. I could give you a shot of my red, raw nose, or my cracked, peeling lips. but instead I'll try to find a few things I'm thankful for today instead and go from there.

I'm thankful for my best friend Heather. She's 1800 miles away and on a day like this even a little email from her can set my unrest at ease.

I'm thankful for my coworkers...I have an amazing medical secretary and appointment secretary. They are more like moms than coworkers. My desk staff makes me smile when I have frown, includes me in their parties so I have some woman to hang out with, and help every single day to make the day go better for all of us.

I'm thankful for my ability to communicate with others...if I couldn't connect with my patients in one way or another, my job would be a lot harder. Now, if I could just do that in my personal relationships a bit better.

I'm thankful for a few moments this evening with a new friend here in town....for the time to spend alone with each other just chatting.

For these things I'm thankful. Even if today was a challenge from the get go. Have a great night

EDIT: This was my attempt to make myself feel better...a hot shower, putting on decent make-up and fixing my hair. When I flipped my head back up after blow drying it, I realized I can be thankful for my hair. Sounds cheesy but I'm having a good hair night and if that's the only good part about today, I'm sharing it...Happy HNT

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