Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Breaking a rule

So I'm the type of person that doesn't set many "rules" for myself to follow. But I do have a few and I broke one tonight. I'm pretty good about leaving work at work when it is time to head home. For the first time I have left work and instead of planning to take care of it first thing in the morning, I hauled my dictations that were left to do home with me. I printed out the needed information to refresh my memory as I knew that once I had played my Tuesday night volleyball game that I would have this ankle confused with that ankle and am now curled up after a shower and supper in front of "According to Jim" with the phone and my dictation pile. I'll make each note quick and mostly painless but I can't believe at 8:30 pm I'm dictating cast room notes. UGH!

1 comment:

Osbasso said...

So don't do it again! I don't know that I've ever had a job that I could "leave". Maybe at M2G, but none of my teaching ones!
COS--you need to change a setting so that your blog address appears at the bottom of your profile page. Otherwise there's no way to get to the blog from there. Just a little suggestion!
Love ya!