These two proud parents were very protective of this little egg. They barked at me the whole time I was taking the picture through the fence. Can't imagine if the fence hadn't been there!
The one thing that surprised me about Alcatraz was all the beautiful flowers and plants. I don't know exactly what this particular one is but they covered an entire cliff side.

The only time I have seen calla lilies is at weddings. They were growing all over like crazy on The Rock! Such beauty in a place where there was such violence.

This is from the top of the cliff looking back down toward the dock. Like I said, green stuff growing everywhere. At one point over 150 civilians lived on the island...the warden and his family, the guards and there families, etc. This is one of the houses. Not a bad house, uh?

Another peak back at the mainland from the island. We lucked out and had a beautiful day for picture taking across the bay. Not a whiff of fog anywhere. The next day the fog never did lift!

A group of physician assistants touring Alcatraz would of course take a picture of the Hospital Rules and Regulations! Duh! We couldn't go upstairs to the actual hospital but I had to take this shot.

The streets of San Fran are awesome. This is from the backseat of our cab as we headed to the wharf to leave for Alcatraz. The picture doesn't do the steepness justice but it was pretty sweet!

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