Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Thanks for...a sense of humor

I had to laugh today. We had a busy clinic, my head feels like it is completely impacted with snot, and those on our list today were some of our more "special" patients. On clinic days I dress a pair of slim fit straight leg chocolate dress pants, a button down white shirt from New York and Company and a red suede jacket. Gold jewelry, high heeled brown pointed toe boots. And I was having a very good curly hair day. Didn't think I looked too darn bad considering I felt awful.

The boss sent me into a room to finalize some tests and appointments as well as complete some paperwork on a somewhat uhmmm...difficult patient. My plan to be quick, efficient, no small talk, put in my orders and tell them to have a nice day. Screw that!

I walk in and the first thing out of my patient's mouth with a big excited smile on their face, "OHHHH...are you pregnant!"

I wanted to die. I know my abs are my "issue" but I go to the gym. I work out with a BOSU ball and mat routine for my ab program. I cycle, use the elliptical, and most recently, have taken up running. I'm not "skinny" but I'm not overweight either. My arms are pretty darn strong, my calves look like runner calves, my hips and tummy are on the downslide of in progress. I frickin' wear a size 6, 8, or 10 long pant depending on the brand. BUT MY GOD!!!! I DO NOT LOOK PREGNANT! NOR AM I PREGNANT!

So with a big smile on my face, I said no, "have to have a husband first" and proceeded to enter the patient's tests, follow-up and fill out their paperwork before efficiently whisking them on their way for the day. Then I made sure to quicly ask my all MALE team of docs if I looked pregnant.

Smart group of guys I got...they all said an adament no :) Had to laugh over that one and for that, I'm thankful.

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