I'm blind without my contacts or glasses. I have taken to wearing my contacts most frequently because I don't have to take them in and out anymore...24/7 for 30 days at a time. But when I do take them out I typically wear my glasses for a week or so before popping in a new pair.
I work for a world-renown medical facility with fabulous medical benefits. I'm the lucky one. But our dental and vision plan is screwy...every single employee gets $1000 per year to spend on dental and vision. If you are an employee with a family though, that $1000 has to be divided for everyone in your household. If you are single, it accumulates in a fund until a cap of $4000. This month is my 4th year anniversary at The Clinic and I'm going to be capped out b/c all I use it for is the dentist and contacts every 6 months.
I made the decision to avoid reaching my cap this year. Fastest way to do that...go see your eye doctor. My left eye was getting "fuzzy", turned out I got to go back a quarter of a prescription. Since I was ordering new contacts I decided to shop for some fun.
How did I do? I can see you now :)
Happy HNT...the Coach sunglasses are on their way. Photos to come later.
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