Done up right...
Pomp and circumstance is done well by the US Army. Last night was the Bassett Army Community Hospital, US Army, Artic Warriors, MEDDAC Holiday Ball. (Dana can translate that to "English" for all of you non-military people) I initially hesitated to go. The Ball was scheduled near the end of a week already packed with holiday functions. It's Alaska and it's cold to get all dressed up in formal wear. I ultimately decided it was an event to attend because I hadn't been to one before. The gals with me in the above photo go with two of my ortho clinic medics. Aren't they pretty?This bunch below makes up a good portion of our ortho clinic. Sgt Miller, myself, Spc Butcher, Dr. Meyer, and Spc Johanesen. Oh yeah, the Nutcracker too. Don't we clean up good?
I was impressed with the military formalities of the evening. The activities began with the presentation of colors, toasts (including salutes to the Army, the US, the Artic Warrors, our Fallen Comrades, and our mission), a table dedication to those serving abroad who could not join us, an invocation, and a guest speaker. Of course, there was also the usual holiday entertainment...ballroom dancers, bag pipes, Sweet Adelines, etc. It was a wonderful evening and I'm glad I went.
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