Wednesday, May 19, 2010

HNT the beginning

just for you Os! you can't really see it all that well in this picture (mostly due to the distraction of a very sexy Jude Law gazing at you) but I had a nasty bruise developing at the base of my 3rd and 4th toe from having dropped a bottle of shampoo on my foot in the shower. The toe ring is permanent, been there since May of '02. And yes, Os you don't even have to point it out, I have Hobbit-like toes.

Can't believe it has been 5 years since we started posting half nekkid pictures on the internet. Now, half nekkid has been hugely elaborated on and widely interrupted but I have followed the initial intentions of the project. My first picture was of an injury (there is usually always one) plus my latest read. So tonight, to recreate the image I offer you the other foot with an injury taken this week as I planted my flowers. Yup...that's my foot. Nothing a shower, a bandaid, and some hydrogen peroxide couldn't take care of. Reading material came later that night.


Dana said...

This made me smile, even though the second pic was a bit ... well ... icky!

I don't know what it was with you early HNT folks and your feet :)

Anonymous said...

Oohhhh.... You've got to be more careful with those feet!
Happy HNT and Happy Anniversary :)

Addict said...

Oohhhh.... You've got to be more careful with those feet!
Happy HNT and Happy Anniversary :)

Osbasso said...

Good job, slick! And you'd accuse me of mentioning the hobbit toes? Never!

Hope you checked out the favorites post from earlier this week...

Oh...turn on your ringer. Goof.