I have been tending my garden somewhat tenderly throughout the summer. I admit to neglecting it at times and I lost some spinach b/c of that. If you don't pick it while leaves are ready it will bolt. My bolted while I was in MT. I had a few things that aren't doing as I thought they would...cucumbers and red peppers. I can handle those things. Ruby likes to eat at the grass but she leaves the garden beds alone.
Remember the pretty Romanesco? Any form of cauliflower is a absolute favorite moose food. The temps at night have been getting cooler, which means moose are moving down from higher altitudes. My moose is back. Haven't seen it yet but it's been here. Can you tell how I know?
The moose likes the leaves of kohlrobi but doesn't like the veggie. Those are teeth marks!
This moose LOVED the Romanesco but didn't even nimble that pumpkin plant.
This moose really likes Kale. So much for kale in my Zuppa Toscana.
This moose left evidence behind.
Definitely not dog prints!