Sunday, September 11, 2005


7 Things I plan to do before I die:
1.) Backpack in New Zealand.
2.) Have a baby (2-3 babies, not at the same time)
3.) learn to ice climb
4.) Retire in Montana
5.) Learn to cook from a little old lady in Italy
6.) Ski in Siberia
7.) be a grandma
7 Things I Can Do:
1.) Play the organ
2.) Play the tenor saxophone
3.) Waltz
4.) Tie vertical mattress sutures
5.) Snap my iliotibial band across my greater trochanter to make it look like I'm dislocating my hip
6.) French own hair or someone elses
7.) Make a mean chili
7 Things I Cannot Do:
1.) Cure cancer
2.) Whistle (at least not very well)
3.) Tie a cherry stem in a knot
4.) Speak a foreign language
5.) Wink with my right eye
6.) Wiggle my ears (grandpa could...why can't I?)
7.) Stand to be in closed spaces
7 Things That Attract Me to Guys:
1.) Hands
2.) Eyes
3.) Their laugh
4.) A respectful attitude
5.) An energy for life
6.) Guys that are great with kids
7.) Athletic

7 Things I Say Most Often:
1.) Whatever!
2.) Awesome
3.) he's jacked up
4.) What were they thinking?
5.) No way!
6.) Thanks bunches
7.) hang tight

7 Celebrity Crushes:
1.) Matthew McConnehey (spelled that one way wrong)
2.) Sean Connery
3.) John Elway
4.) Christopher Meloni (Elliott on SVU)
5.) Johnny Depp
6.) Keith Anderson
7.) VinDiesel

7 People I Want to Do This:
the first seven to read it

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