Sunday, October 16, 2005


I just signed a check for $62.50 which will officially close my account with the wonderful lady that got me through the 3 months immediately after my divorce. Two and a half years have gone by since that night that I started dialing counselor after counselor to get in immediately as I was having a mental melt down and could hardly blubber what had happened. I knew Laurie from Carroll College where she once worked as a counselor in the student health center. Since my graduation she had moved into private practice but I felt comfortable with her. For the first two weeks I spent 1-2 hours A DAY, EVERY day in her office. With her patient eyes, soft voice and pure kindness she guided me through the most painful experience of my life. I can honestly say without her and my two best friends I would not be on this earth today.

At the time I was seeing here I had health insurance that my parents paid the premium on for me because I was still in school. That plan covered 80% of my bill. That left me with the remaining 20%, which totaled around $780 by the time was was done! I have been making little montly payments on it for two years. I just wrote that LAST check! One more line of debt scratched off my little list. I feel a little lighter in my step now. Funny that I should pay off that long stretch of counseling the same week I find out the ex has remarried. Too bad I can't go curl up in the rocker in her office and let her talk me through it :)

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