Saturday, February 04, 2006


I have had enough! This morning was the last straw. Enough already! I'm sick and tired of not being able to sleep like a normal person. I'm not an insomniac. It isn't that I'm not tired. I'm exhauseted but my brain won't slow down to let me sleep all night. Then I reach a point where I'm SO exhausted I crash and crash hard.

Monday night I got about 2 hours of sleep with my brain running all over the place. i then put in 10 hour days or longer every day at work this week. On top of that I went to the gym two nights, had volleyball one night, a hockey game to cover the next night and last night a black-tie optional event. By Thursday I was dragging ass, I pulled into the boy's house around 10:30 and was in bed asleep by 11:30. According to him I snored quite loudly the entire night.

Yesterday, I was up at 6, at work until 5:30 and then out until 1 am this morning. Got to bed around 1:30. I woke up at 8 to find the bed empty. I had snored so badly all night long the boy had to go sleep in the living room. After finding out he had been there since 2:30 am I went back to the bed and cried for an hour before hauling my ass into the shower and crying some more.

I've had ENOUGH of this not sleeping, not sleeping, not sleeping, and then crashing so hard that I snore like crazy because I'm completely zonked! Now it's starting to affect my relationship. NOT GOOD!

ENOUGH! At least this Friday I meet with my doctor for my yearly physical. I have gotten a new one since last year the lady I saw told me my difficulty sleeping was due to "habit" and I should "just get over it". i have to figure something out.

Now, i hope I can sleep tonight since I'm all paranoid about keeping him up now. Just one more thing to add to the swirling in my head.

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