Wednesday, March 08, 2006

With this kiss...

With this kiss...

With these lips...

It was these lips that uttered "I Love You" and meant it forever. When the courage finally came and the comfort level was there, they said it. They meant it...the mind that controls these lips believed when you said those three words you said them, believed in them, and lived them. "I do" was followed by "a kiss" and with those words was a binding promise spoken with these lips. Forever and ever.

These lips said "NO!" the night it all fell apart. They quivered. They mumbled over and over, "but i love you", "but I love you". Eventually just air passed these lips, words lost.

now, these lips feel "i love you" but they are physically incapable of saying it. the scars have mostly healed, the days go by with fewer and fewer thoughts of what was. These lips tell my best friends "i love you" but not the new people in my life, especially not that special person in my life. The mind knows it, the heart feels it, but the lips can't speak it. The words run through the mind, these lips whisper it when the room is empty. But they can't....will they ever?

these lips kiss tenderly, they kiss with passion, they kiss when hurt, when happy, they can physically express emotion but still won't form the words. these lips tell stories, these lips offer healing, these lips fall silent to listen, these lips shout with joy. these lips want to touch many, they wish to kiss their own baby, they want to profess their love for that one, but can the words that pass them be trusted again?

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