The first thing on the agenda? WICKED: A NEW MUSICAL. Ever wonder how one became good and the other one bad? Well, we will be in the third row at the Orpheum Theater to find out!

Yes, we are both geeks. We will not deny it. Sunday morning we will head to the Apple Store, one of our favorite stops at the Mall of America. I'm an iPod Shuffle. Mine has a case of the "green orange blink of death". Not good. The boy got it for me for my birthday in October so it is still under warranty. Hope to exchange it and have my gym music back again.

Last but not least, there is an exhibit at the Science Museum of Minnesota which I can't pass up. BodyWorlds is a group of partially and mostly dissected HUMAN CADAVERS! Yeah, baby. They are posed in various acts and I can't wait to see them.

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