Saturday, November 18, 2006

Thanks friends

When I was in junior high and high school I wasn't one of the "cool kids". I played sports but wasn't the sterotypical jock. I was in the band but I wasn't the sterotypical band geek either. School was easy for me. My hometown too small for me. In the summers instead of hanging out with everyone I traveled as much as I could with my grandparents or any school sponsored trip I could. I also spent 2 weeks a summer at Gifted Camp. Yup...nerd fairly comes to mind.

It was here I met my best friend. The one getting married next weekend. I'm so thankful for her as well as the other kids from camp that I made friends with. We have continously moved farther and farther from each other physically and getting to see each other and talk to each other doesn't happen as often as it always does but when we do see each other or get to talk, it's like we just saw each other yesterday and pick up right where we left off.

Then came college and a diasterous semester with my first roommate and a world of worry over the first Christmas break as I waited to meet my new roommate. When I walked in the room and she had COW stuff all over, I knew it would be okay. I urgently called my mom and while crying, wailed "Mom, she likes Cows!". Again, physical distance has us 1200 miles apart but we talk weekly, email almost daily and know what the other is thinking without saying things. There is an unspoken "she's here with me" that we both know about.

There's that big lovable old guy too. It isn't Santa but the guy who stole his blogging start from my blogging start. He's seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of me and stuck around through it all.

I can't forget the new friends, the passing friends, and those that watch out for me whether I know about it or not.

For all of these friends, I'm grateful. For the friends to be made, I'm thankful.

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