Friday, May 11, 2007


I'm wearing a blue shirt, I have green eyes, and I love lattes so I guess I'm stuck doing this one :) Thanks, Lime.

What was the name of the teacher that was most influential in your life from grades K through 6?
Probably Mrs B in 5th and 6th grade. I went to a very small school and Mrs B taught both 5th and 6th grade in the same classroom. She taught more than the "usual" stuff. The words "shut-up" were NOT allowed in her classroom. We had to memorize poems...real literature. We learned geography by self-directed projects not writing papers. We could give a book report by acting things out instead of just reading a paper out loud. Her classroom was interactive. We only had commador pet computers at the time but she let me play "where in the world is carmen sandiego" when I had spare time. She let me check out "older student" books from the library. Not to mention in the summer as a kid Mrs B also baby sat us and let us make "pop" with this little machine thing and a powder mix. We also played Mousetrap at her house. That was fun too.

She still goes to my hometown church and even though I'm near 30 I still call her Mrs B. She asks me to call her M, but she will always be Mrs B.

Did you argue with teachers? (I saw this question on another meme somewhere else)
Duh. My goal in high school geometry was to do the proof in less steps than the teacher. Sort of took the same approach in college calculus. Two of my favorite college courses were Bioethics and Moral Theology where the purpose of the class was to argue.

What subject did you favor in high school?
Building Trades was fun. We got to learn how to draft, use power tools, and the class project was building a garage for an elderly woman in town.

Did you attend a university and if so, did you attain a degree?
Yes, Masters in Physician Assistant Studies

Do you learn best through books, by watching, or hands-on?
Usually hand on or with pictures. I'm very visual.

Has education been an ongoing process for you?

What seven people are you tagging to do this?
I doubt seven people will even read this so whomever wants to can fill it out.

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