Monday, June 02, 2008

Moose on the loose?

I was the only moose on the loose in Fairbanks, AK this weekend. Supposedly, the Fairbanks area as the highest population of moose in North America. I don't believe it. I was there Thursday through this morning and I drove all over, even to Denali National Park and didn't see a single moose.

There were lots of "oh they were just here's". Saturday night friends of friends took me to dinner. 10 minutes after I drove by the little church down the road, one of the couples drove by and saw a moose. I never saw a moose. Yesterday at Jeff King's home (4 time Iditarod champion) one of the gals took a group of 6 dogs out on a training run, they came across a moose. I never saw a moose.

I did, however, see wild life. Very open and not a bit modest piece of wildlife. This big guy wandered out of the tundra, walked up the highway, stopped within the 10-15 feet you see here next to my driver's window and took care of things.

When he was done, he went on his way back behind my vehicle and back into the tundra. No wander I didn't see a moose. No good momma moose would want this big guy eating her babies!

What an adventure!

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