Sunday, August 02, 2009

Kenai Pennisula: Day 1

This past Monday began a nearly 1400 mile journey across Alaska. I left Fairbanks on Monday morning around 6:30 am and picked up my Aunt and her friend at the Anchorage airport 6 hours later. The rain started in Talkeetna south of Denali and has continued throughout the week. The Kenai Pennisula has had a record number of consecutive days of rain. Amazing! So lots of fog and lots of cold but it was still a sight to see.

Moose just past Turnagain Arm. There is a baby tucked in there somewhere!

Portage Glacier between Anchorage and Seward

Ice chunks floating in the water.

Turnagain Arm as you leave Anchorage

Turnagain Arm

Sort of ironic to see a fishtailed trailer called "Fist Tails". Made for a slight delay on the way from to Homer but everyone was okay.

Slept in my first Murphy bed ever. Cozy room but it worked.

Homer was wet and rainy but driving across Homer Spit to the Land's End Resort is an experience. If you go past the end you went too far! We saw moose and bald eagles on the drive down. Slept like a rock that night with the sound of sea gulls and the waves lapping the beach. Not a bad first day!

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