Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Been awhile...

Not for that...get your minds out of the gutter. I was informed by a few of my faithful readers (I wouldn't know they were faithful...they never comment) that I haven't posted anything in awhile. I've been busy! I took this past weekend and seriously tackled my house. You would not believe the amount of laundry a single female who only wears scrubs at work can accumulate in one week, let alone the three since the last time I did laundry. I also rearranged my miniscule kitchen counter. I used to cook...A LOT! I love to cook. But since moving out to MN I rarely cook "real" meals. Anyway...when I moved in over a year ago I didn't really put things in a proper order in relation to what gets used most. So this weekend, everything came off the counter (plenty of surprises behind things), scrubbed the counters and put my kitchen into ergonomic order. I cooked a nice Stupid Cupid Day dinner on Monday night and it worked so much better. I vacuumed, I bleached floors. I was domestic! yippee...haven't done that in a while. Use to be pretty good at it. I realize more and more every day that the longer I work for the chaotic world of the orthopedic trauma service the less and less organized I get at home. So forgive me for not blogging in the last week or so. I'll try to come up with something inspiring soon.

1 comment:

Osbasso said...

As one of the faithful readers, I suppose it's my duty to comment. Especially since you're subtly chewing us out! It's nice to see something from you after so long, but the "surprises behind things" comment is a little scary....