Sunday, September 04, 2005

Doctor, I think it is broke

Ever have a day (or a long weekend) where you feel like you should have just stayed in bed? I'm having one of those weekends.

Today has been just peachy. I spent the morning arguing with the boyfriend because I don't like being "scheduled" or "excluded" from various activities or events. I decided to spend the day pouting and situated myself on the couch with my phone, my computer and the TV remote. I could clean house but I don't feel like it.

About an hour ago i get up to get a coke from the fridge. My cell phone rings so I turn around to head toward the couch to answer it. In the process i jam my left pinkie toe into the post of the couch and heard a very audible crack! Fuckin' a! My pop goes everywhere, including onto my poor kitty cat. I'm hopping around like a chicken and the cell phone stops ringing and the house phone rings instead. My best friend is trying me on both numbers. I finally get sat down and call her back as I attempt to take deep breaths.

Another hour later, I'm off the phone. The toe is big, swelling and turning purple. Hurts like hell! Down the entire side of my foot. I'm seriously going to have Dr Turner cut the left foot off and then I won't have to deal with it. I can feel it continuing to swell. For the record...there isn't a lot of room in one's pinky toe for swelling. And no, I'm NOT going to the ER because I don't want my colleagues to laugh at me! Then they would just agree with me that I need a stiff soled shoe and I should buddy tape the toe. At least it isn't pointing the wrong way, then I would have to go in. I'll deal with it! But damn it all anyway, I'm going to stay grumpy and if the boyfriend can find time to pencil me in he can rub my fuckin' foot instead of go for the bike ride I wanted to plan tomorrow.

At least I can oggle for the next hour at Karch Kiraly and Mike Lambert on the AVP volleyball tournament that is on TV. Nothing like chiseled tan volleyball players covered in sweat and sand! I'll wipe the drool from my mouth now :)

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