Anyway...the national level of the bank has been great. Very helpful! Unfortunately a portion of the process to transition from old compromised account to new secure account had to be done at a local branch. I picked the one closest to work and the grocery store. Met a banker. She seemed helpful. After a minimum of one call a day to the national level and one stop a day at the local branch and continued glitches on the local banks end I had it. I called the national level fuming on Friday night and hung up in tears. I was pissed enough that even though it was 7:30 pm I called the local branch manager on the number I was provided by the national level. Guess what? He was working...great! He said he would print what I needed and call me on Saturday when he had it done. It's Sunday night at 9:30 pm and he hasn't called.
I decompressed after talking to a few friends back home by hitting the household stuff hard. My craft room was left in ruins by the movers. My friend Tawnya can attest to that. Remember the picture of the pile in the dining room? Now picture it with paper, stamps, ink pads, paper cutters, and ribbon! Sounds fun doesn't it? It was physically tasking (i wrenched my left knee pretty good getting the folding table set up) but I at least have a working perimeter now.
Here's a few shots of the place with MY things in it. I had the landlords leave the nails on the wall up the stairs. That's my mom and dad's wedding picture in the middle.
See all the blank space on the front wall of the stairs...that is where the two missing Glacier Park pics go. Still haven't found them anywhere. Now even in the mover's WTF box I found last night with my tent, hot pot, and my alarm clock in it.
See the blank spot on the hallway shelf...any of you back in Roch remember what I had on there? And yes, there are pictures that need leveled a bit. Log houses "move".
See the pile of hard hats and t-shirts in the hallway. That is part of the "where the heck do I put those" pile. For the storage shed outside! There might be several boxes going out there before Thursday. I have 18 people coming for Thanksgiving dinner. Gotta hide my junk somewhere :) Can't let the new friends know I'm a pack rat.
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